Course Content: This course first discusses the rise of Islam in the 6th and 7th centuries but really emphasizes the history of the Middle East from around 1800 to the present. Its geographic focus will be Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Turkey. We will keep two broad questions in mind as we follow the political and social development of the region: 1) What has been the relationship between Islam and politics in the Middle East since 1800 and 2) What impact did Western imperialism and the process of decolonization have on society and politics in the Middle East? In this course there are no right or wrong opinions, only informed or uninformed ones. |
Course Goal(s) |
The goals in offering Middle Eastern History is to teach:
1. students to think critically about diverse interpretations of historical developments;
2. how present-day situations have grown out of past events,
3. how past events shape current possibilities for Middle Eastern societies and their place in global politics.
Course Requirements: This course requires that you keep up with the schedule of readings on this syllabus and complete all exams assigned. |
Method of Instruction: Class lectures and note taking; readings from required textbooks and supplementary sources; examinations - multiple choice, map, and short answer; and class discussion of course materials. |
Participation: Class participation will improve your understanding of the material and will count as 10% of your final grade. Students may ask questions after class and during office hours, but are encouraged to ask questions during discussions in class so that other students can benefit. |
Attendance: Attendance of lectures and discussions is strongly advised. Attendance will be kept at every class meeting. More than 2 absences will affect your participation grade. Lectures will include material not covered in the readings and students will be tested on some material only covered in lectures. Lectures may be recorded, but good note taking is important. Short supplemental readings may also be placed on Blackboard. It is the responsibility of the student to drop the class if they so desire. Not attending class does NOT constitute withdrawal. If you stop attending class and do not withdraw from class, you will receive an "F" as a final grade. |
Lateness: Coming late to class and leaving early is a distraction to other students and to me. If you are having difficulties getting to class on time or need to leave early, see me. |
Late assignments: Exams must be taken when scheduled or before. There will be no makeup exams. |
Policy on Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty includes any form of cheating, plagiarism, falsification of records, collusion, or giving false information to any College official. See the College Bulletin for definition of terms, penalties, and procedures for appealing dishonesty. Instructors have the option to recommend a grade of ‘F’ for the course if dishonesty is proven.
Evaluation Methods/Exams/Grading There will be three exams and four map quizzes:
Three exams consisting of short written identifications and multiple choice. Two in-class exams (1st exam is September 23rd - 20% of final grade, 2nd is November 4th - 25% of final grade) and a final exam (35% of final grade). Only the final exam is cumulative. Four map quizzes (2.5% each x 4= 10%)
Grading: All exams and quizzes will have a percentage grade.
A (100-90) B (89-80) C (79-70) D (69-60) F (below 60).
Two (2) in-class exams (45%) + four map quizzes (10%) + final exam (35%) + participation (10%) = 100% of your final grade. Significant improvement over the course of the term will be rewarded. |
Incomplete Grades: Incomplete grades are allowed when a student is earning a passing grade and experiences a bona fide emergency which prevents the student from completing the semester’s work in a course. In accordance with the University’s policy, incomplete grades must be completed and the “I” removed from the student’s transcript by the end of the following semester. |