
Course Information

Information Gathering & Analysis (COMM2384 (UG17))

Term: Spring Term 2018 (UNDG)


Rafael A VelaShow MyInfo popup for Rafael A Vela
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM (1/8/2018 - 5/3/2018) Location: MAIN (Agard-Lovinggood Bldg 317 - Lecture - Discussion)


This course exposes students to a variety of news and information sources and helps hone their ability to gather and critically evaluate the flood of information from non-web base sources. Students will learnb to research, intrepret, organize, synthesize, and communicate facts and information. Emphhasis is placed on distinguishing fact from opinion and the importance of using multiple and credible sources. Prerequisite: ENGL1301 or COMM1315 with a "C" or better.