
Course Information

Constitutional Law (HIST3314 (UG11))

Term: Spring Term 2012 (UNDG)


Janice Sumler-EdmondShow MyInfo popup for Janice Sumler-Edmond
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Tue-Thu, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM (1/10/2012 - 5/3/2012) Location: MAIN (Jackson-Moody Humanities 217 - Lecture - Discussion)


This course examines the Federal Constitution and its development throughout our nation's history. Using the case law method and essays by historians, legal scholars, and law practitioners, the class will study the Constitution document, judicial rulings, opinions, and other aspects of legal history. The course will cover landmark decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States from the early nineteenth century to the present, including those decisions that have interpreted both the extent of and limits to the powers residing in all branches of the government and thoseconstitutional rights granted to the American people. Prerequisite: HIST 1301 or HIST 1302 Offered: Every Two Years